Box [10 units]
SHIPPING: 75cm x 31cm x 32cm [Weight = 9.4kg]
The two-in-one Potato Grower allows for edge growth, side observation and side harvesting. Side grooves eases inner planter extraction and the heat absorbing black surface improves the soil temperatures. A double bottom improves soil moisture content and allows for ventilation.
How to use:
• Potatoes prefer to grow in full sun light SOIL
• Soil must be light / loose and well drained
• Acidity must be between 5.0-7.0
• Do not plant a second crop into the same soil – prepare a new batch.
• Grow from seed potatoes – potatoes grown in the previous season. Obtain certified disease free seed potatoes from garden centers or online / mail order catalogues.
• You can use bought potatoes and make your own seed potatoes.
• Place your seed potatoes in area where they will be well exposed to light between 15 -21 degrees C. This will begin the sprouting process.
• Once the eyes have developed, cut into egg size pieces with at least 1 or 2 good eyes, with a clean knife.
• Allow the cut pieces to “cure” in a cool well ventilated area for 5-6 days before planting. Callouses will form over the cuts which will help prevent rotting once planted
• Plant the prepared cut seed potato in100-150mm deep soil (cut side down and the eyes pointing upwards)
• Plant maximum 3-4 seeds per layer.
• Allow foliage to develop and in about 2 to 4 weeks.
• As the plant grow keep on adding soil to just below the leaves. This is necessary as the new potatoes grow above the seed and below the top level of the soil.
• Keep the new tubers covered to prevent them turning green.
• If you have added a 100-150mm of soil a second and third batch can be planted, repeating the above steps.
• Keep well-watered, about 25mm of water (rain) per week. Especially during the flowering period when the tubers are developing.
• When the foliage turns yellow discontinue watering as this will help curing the potatoes for harvesting.
•NB Remove the drainage plug on the side of the pot, to allow excess water to drain.
• Baby potatoes are ready for harvesting 2-3 weeks after the plants have finished flowering.
• Remove the inner planter and gently harvest for fresh eating, being careful not to be too intrusive.
• Try to remove the biggest potatoes and leave the smaller ones to grow.
• Harvested potatoes must be stored in a cool / dark well ventilated space.
• Do not store the potatoes in a refrigerator.
• Do not wash the potatoes immediately after harvesting but allow the skin to cure for 2-3 days.